Rumors are swirling that the parent company of Pornhub (MindGeek) owns Clips4Sale
The “partnership” of MindGeek (parent company of Pornhub) and Clips4Sale had performers on the edge of their seats in 2019, and although it was alleged that MindGeek/Pornhub did not have their hands in Clips4Sale’s honey pot, there have been some strange indications that the platform could have been lying to the public all along. In 2019, the address listed on the bottom of the Clips4Sale homepage read “Suncoast Productions LTD, Dept 2 Unit 9d1 Carcroft Enterprise PK, Carcroft Doncaster dn680d England,” and can still be found on various Clips4Sale pages with the 2001-2019 Copyright listed within the footer. As of 2020, the new listed address on their homepage is “Tropical Sun Corp., 2300 Empire Avenue, 7th Floor, Burbank CA 91504 USA,” which is listed by the Better Business Bureau as MG Pro Billing US Corp. The Better Business Bureau lists the website for that company as ProBiller, which is the website that accepts payments on behalf of Pornhub and Modelhub. Upon further research of public record, Tropical Sun Corp (the new listed corporation in the Clips4Sale homepage) was started in 2019 shortly before the “partnership” between Clips4Sale and Pornhub was announced. Additionally, a director on the board of Tropical Sun Corp, Anis Baba, is also listed as a director for the following companies: MG Freesites LTD, MG Premium LTD, and MG Technologies LTD.
You may be asking yourself, what exactly does all of that mean? This means that the rumors of Pornhub acquiring Clips4Sale could potentially be true, and if they are not then Pornhub still plays a major role in the operations of Clips4Sale. It also means that Clips4Sale is charging through ProBiller which has the same listed address as the Clips4Sale homepage (2300 Empire Avenue, 7th Floor, Burbank CA 91504 USA) but is not listed as Tropical Sun Corp… can you take a guess what it is listed as? MG Billing US Corp. If I lost you this means one of two things: Pornhub acquired Clips4Sale OR Pornhub is taking payments for Clips4Sale. Normally this wouldn’t be a major issue outside of causing public outrage over the general distaste for Pornhub and the years of rampant piracy they’ve allowed on their platform via unverified uploads, but as we are closing out 2020 this could become catastrophic.
Visa Suspends Pornhub amid Child Pornography Investigation, Mastercard also suspends Pornhub
Since Clips4Sale is either owned by Pornhub (or the parent company MindGeek) or taking payments through a MindGeek operated system, ProBiller, the current state of Pornhubs relationship with Visa and Mastercard is troubling and could cause problems on the horizon for Clips4Sale. As of the time this article is being produced, payments are unable to be performed on Pornhubs clip site Modelhub, with an error pop up that states “Purchases Have Been Temporarily Disabled.” Visa is investigating, while Mastercard has seemingly severed ties with no investigation necessary. Seth Eisen who is a spokesperson for Mastercard said, “In accordance with our policies, we instructed the financial institutions that connect the site to our network to terminate acceptance.” An alarming reality is that Visa has not ended their investigation, and since making the announcement that Pornhub would be suspended they have gone on to disable payments on Modelhub. Could Clips4Sale be next?
Clips4Sale removes video categories overnight with no announcement
In the past, Clips4Sale has been known to be very proactive and open with models by letting them know when categories or tags would be removed and suggesting alternatives, even going as far as to automatically replace alternative words with words they would be banning. Suddenly once the Visa and Mastercard suspensions began to unfold, overnight there were several unexplained category removals on Clips4Sale including: Abused Shoes, Ball Abuse, Bondage Sex, Brat Girls, Crotch Abuse, Daddy’s Girl, Damsel in Distress, Drinking, Foot Torture, Forced Crossdressing, Forced Ejaculations, Forced Fem, Forced Kissing, Forced Male Orgasm, Forced Orgasms, Forced Stripping, Limp Dick, Limping Fetish, Momma’s Boy, Mommy Domme, Peril, Post Cum Torture, Resting Fetish, Sister Domme, Sisters, Twins. Category removal is a pretty regular part of being in the industry, financial companies often impose stricter guidelines randomly, but something about the timing of these categories coming down in conjunction with Visa still completing its investigation of the porn sites within the Pornhub and MindGeek network seem strange.
What does this mean for Clips4Sale? Should I start crying now or later?
The unfortunate reality is I am not a fortune teller, and neither are you, and we have no way to know if Clips4Sale will be getting dragged into what is happening with Visa and Mastercard. Modelhub was dragged into it, but the relationship between Modelhub and Pornhub are much more evident and visibly linked. Modelhub has been compliant and required verification which can be a cause of concern for models on Clips4Sale because obviously compliance and verification are not the only factors that are impacting the investigation right now or Modelhub would still be able to accept payments.
If you are a Modelhub performer that is being impacted by this currently, I would highly recommend exploring ManyVids as it has no affiliation to Pornhub or MindGeek and will likely not see any direct impacts due to the Pornhub/Visa debacle. Customers should also consider checking out ManyVids, it is similar to Modelhub and has free videos similarly to Pornhub except all uploads are by verified performers.
If you are a Clips4Sale performer that is concerned about what this could mean for the platform, get into contact with the site and voice your concerns. You should also focus on diversifying your income if you aren’t already, use this time to make sure that you are not relying on one site for all of your income. The tried and true key to the indie adult industry is to never put all of your eggs in one basket. We lost iFriends overnight, we lost Project Maenad, MyGirlVids is gone, and we went from Modelhub being fine and active on a Tuesday to unable to accept payments on a Saturday. Never leave all of your content, all of your income, and all of your fans in one place, because you never know if that one place has your best interests as a performer in mind.
*Please note: any claims made in this article are speculation based on information acquired through public sources. Please do your own research and verify sources.
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