Bringing Cock and Ball Torture to Life with Phone Sex
Cock and ball torture (CBT) is a popular femdom-based fetish. While it may be more commonly sought out by customers in clips and cam shows, it is also a fairly popular topic for phone sex! Without the visual element of either demonstrating what you want the customer to do or watching them fulfill your instructions it can seem a bit more challenging to do CBT, but use these 3 tips to torture their twig and berries easily!
Be Specific
When it comes to doing CBT on a phone sex call, you will likely mostly be directing your caller to do specific things to their genitals. Whether it is smacking or squeezing or pinching or whatever else you dream up, make sure your instructions are as specific as possible for your caller to follow. For example, instead of saying “smack your balls for me”, try “take your right hand and give your balls 5 short, hard smacks and count them out for me.”
Be Creative
Mix things up! Don’t stick to just one method of torture, but try branching out to include a variety of painful actions. Some callers will prefer only one way of inflicting pain, but others will really enjoy doing several different things within one call. Repeat CBT callers especially like it when you tell them you have a new way to torture them!
Be Descriptive
While it is always important to be descriptive in phone sex, it is critical when doing a fetish like CBT. You need your caller to not just be following your specific directions, but for them to enter into the fantasy fully. You want to not just describe what they are supposed to do for you, but how it should feel. Use descriptive words for the pain you are inflicting on them with your instructions, and use a variety of different words to avoid sounding stale or repetitive.
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